Networked Audiovisual Media Technologies (VISNET-II)
Contact Person: Jaime Delgado
Official project web:
Project description
VISNET II builds on the success and achievements of the VISNET NoE to continue the progress towards achieving the NoE mission of creating a sustainable world force in Networked Audiovisual (AV) Media Technologies. VISNET II is a network of excellence with a clear vision for integration, research and dissemination plans. The research activities within VISNET II will cover 3 major thematic areas related to networked 2D/3D AV systems and home platforms. These are:
- Video Coding
- Audiovisual Media Processing
- Security
DMAG activity
Our work inside this project comprises several activities, including:
- Security applied to real time distribution of audiovisual content
- Use of metadata for the definition of audiovisual content adaptation
- Adaptation of protection techniques currently supported to AV transmissions
- Specification of appropriate key distribution for the needs of AV secure transmissions
- Use of metadata to provide information related to access control
- Participation in Standardisation bodies (ISO/IEC, CEN/ETSI)
- University of Surrey (coordinator)
- Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
- Fraunhofer Institut for Communication Technology, Heinrich Hertz Institute
- Instituto de Engenharia e Sistemas de Computadores do Porto
- Instituto Superior Técnico
- Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
- Technical University Berlin
- Telecom Italia Lab
- Thales Research and Technology (UK)
- Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- Universitat Pompeu Fabra(UPF)
- Warsaw University of Technology